Monday, June 29, 2009

Book Club Book Review: The Last Thing On My List by Jill Smolenski

The Last Thing on my List follows complacent June Parker as she deals with the very real and very shocking experience of having been the driver and sole survivor of a car accident. Her acquaintance through Weight Watchers, Marissa, is killed when she is thrown from the car, leaving behind her recipe for Taco Soup and a list of 20 things to do before her 25th birthday. Two things are already accomplished: lose 100 pounds and wear sexy shoes. June takes on the remaining 18 in an effort to cleanse herself of the guilt she feels for having been responsible for the death of Marissa and to honor Marissa's memory.

June learns a lot about herself through this process and ends up shaking herself out of her complacency in such a way that she grows and becomes aware of her growth and is proud as a result.

I liked the book--found it very believable and not depressing at all (which I originally thought it would be though the lime greem cover really threw me there!). It's a charming tale of a woman who learns to love herself and as a result touches the lives of other people around her.

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