Monday, August 24, 2009

The weekend

Went to the Beau Rivage to stay and then attend the socials for David's program's 10th anniversary. It was great seeing all the alums and prospective students. The socials were really wonderful.

The Beau's bathtub was amazing as usual. I have to get me one of those.

And every single one of the books I have listed over on the left are wonderful. I love it when that happens.

I lost one pound--my experiment this time was to eat whatever I wanted (within reason, I packed my breakfasts and snacks and ate lunch and dinner there) but not have any alcohol. I weighed before I left to see how "bad" the weekend was for me. I'd lost one pound before I left, SO that means I maintained this weekend by eating what I wanted. Albeit it was only 3 days, bu STILL! That's good to know. Now, next experiment I will eat health and drink alcohol and see how that goes.

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