Sunday, July 29, 2007


I'm about to leave for Nashville for a few days. Should be a nice relaxing trip. I definitely need one of those. Things around here have been rather nutty of late--which leaves me feeling rather nutty.

I decided, smartly or not we can debate that, to start Weight Watchers last week. I question my intelligence because I'm going on a trip this week, and next, and didn't have my house stocked up for healthy eating. But the past two days have really shed good light on why I'm overweight. Trying to eat within my points with my old food and habits was impossible. It's been enlightening to say the least. So, we'll see how I do on the road. I've made plans for snacks and breakfast, it'll just be challenging to make good choices on the road. Wish me luck!

I'll report on how I did when I get back and how my experiences in Nashville were.

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