Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Book Review: Mine ‘til Midnight by Lisa Kleypas

I’ve been having a hard time thinking of how to review this book. I liked it…and yet there was something about it that I didn’t like…and it wasn’t the kind of things you might suspect if you’d read the book. The supernatural elements. Those were fine. The racial elements—didn’t really work for me, not convincing. The romance—great. The extra characters—too many. The plot—the main one fine, but there was SO much going on that I had a hard time feeling that everything was developed.

Mind ‘til Midnight is the first in Kleypas’s Hathaway series following the five Hathaway siblings as they make their way into the world. Leo, the only brother and eldest of the family, has just been given a title in a rather round-about way, and is responding to that and the death of his fiancé by trying to do himself in—and bringing his sisters with him.

The Hathaways move out to their dilapidated country home to meet with more trouble and frustration than anyone should. And in the mean time, Amelia and Cam, the main characters of the romance, fall in love.

And here’s where my troubles came in…there was the Leo story, the Winn and Merripen story (which I understand is fully fleshed out in the 2nd book in this series), the Beatrix story (young cleptomaniac sister), the Poppy story (very underdeveloped when compared with the others) and the story about Amelia and Cam. I understand this is the first in the series, but I really think it tried to do too much.

All that said, I will read the next one in the series. Reading other reviews of the book, loyal Kleypas readers felt that Mine til Midnight wasn’t up to her usual standards. The writing was good (even if the Kindle edition had those annoying errors).

Recommended to those who like historical romances.

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