Friday, November 06, 2009

Book Review: The Shadow and the Star by Laura Kinsale

I loved this book. I was captivated from the first paragraph. That's a feat for a book, in my opinion.
The Shadow and the Star is the 2nd in a series (wish I'd known that and read the first book first...) following the characters Samuel Gerard and Leda Etoile as they learn about love, themselves and the world.
Kinsale does an amazing job of portraying Samuel who was physically and sexually abused as a child in a brothel for boys as he struggles to cope with the feelings of guilt and shame that accompanies sexual abuse. Leda is an orphan who was raised by Miss Myrtle, a genteel maiden, who teaches her all about manners and the proper way of doing things.
There is quite a bit to say about this novel. The structure is very interesting with oscilating chapters between Samuel as a young child after he has come to live with Lady Tess and the "current" story line of Samuel and Leda meeting and then coming into a relationship with one another.
The story line of Leda early in the book reminded me of a 19th century sentimenal novel where the heroine's standards are often tested, and she has to choose the right moral thing to do even if she doesn't know if she will have food to eat the next day or not.
Kinsale also is a great writer. The prose is clean and the story line does not have any tangents or pieces that don't seem to fit--or that were left out. I especially liked how she could make a scene between Samuel and Leda where all he does is touch her face feel so charged with sexual tension. Very nice use a bad pun.
AND the setting is great--London in 1887-88 and Hawaii from 1860-1888.
Overall I liked this book very much and have added the rest of Kinsale's books to my reading list and will look forward to reading them one day.
Recommended for those who like historical romances.

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