Friday, January 15, 2010

The End of an Era (sort of)

The computer I've been using for the past four years is on its last legs. It grunts and groans every time I turn it's slow to move around locks up...sometimes it just won't go.

So, it's being replaced, but I'm going to miss it. I don't want to move to a new Windows operating system. I like XP...why did they change it? At least I'm not going to Vista, but I just don't understand why they can't leave a good thing alone.

And I really don't like doing this in the midst of dissertation writing. I mean, so many things can distract me from my mission...and a new computer is certainly one of them.

But change must happen, and so it will. Sometime this weekend all files that I need will be transferred, and the new computer will be operational. The old one will be backed up and then put down (poor thing).

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