Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Book Review: A Gate at the Stairs by Lorrie Moore

I started reading this book over a month ago. I thought maybe I wasn't getting into it because I was instead getting into my new video game...which kept me from wanting to read for weeks. How unlike me. Seriously. I don't have issues turning off my video game at night, and while I was really enjoying this one, I don't think it's the reason that I was not getting back to A Gate at the Stairs every single night.

I was avoiding it.

I decided to wean myself off of my video game, convinced that I'd become addicted, so I was going to read it 5% at a time (it's on Kindle, so no pages and can't really see the chapter ends, the thing that most annoys me about it despite all its other wonderful conveniences). I persevered, kept at it, for two days. I'd finally made it to 20% (having been dogged the first night and read two 5% sections in one evening). However, last night, I said to David as we were sitting down to read..."If this book hasn't grabbed my be 25% I'm going to move on."

Guess what, I made it to 21%. I just couldn't read one more word of this spoiled little college student who thinks she's just so much smarter and better than her family go on and on about her passive experience of the morose condition of the world. I imagine that the book does get better but since I'm on Kindle I can't easily flip forward and find out...so guess what? I'm quitting. Besides, the writing is so overdone that it takes paragraphs to make one statement about the lack of snow or ability to go ice fishing at Christmas time. I kept thinking in my head, "bla, bla, bla, cold stinks anyway."

I started reading Bread Alone by Judith Ryan Hendricks last night. I'm not addicted to my video game, I was just in the malaise of reading a bad book and doing a very good job of avoiding it. I am really enjoying my new book and expect to have a review up in just a few days.

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