Monday, March 01, 2010

Anyone but You by Jennifer Crusie

What a delightful book. I thoroughly enjoyed ripping through this one (read it in a day and a half...which is one of the things I love about Crusie. Her books are so good you just devour them).

Anyone but You tells the story of Nina Askew as she adopts a dog who introduces her to her neighbor, Alex, and a great little tension filled romance develops between them. The hangup? Alex is 10 years younger than Nina and Nina is just divorced from a very rich successful lawyer.

As the relationship develops between Nina and Alex, the reader truly grows to love the characters. That was why I was so disappointed that things seemed to move so quickly at the end--the character transformation was believable but not really well developed. It was the only complaint I had.

Highly recommended for those who like romances.

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