Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Book Review: Miss Julia Speaks Up by Ann B. Ross

A delightful book about a widow who must learn to take care of herself and does so through learning that her husband wasn't all he pretended to be. When his mistress shows up on her front door and leaves his illegitimate son and then drives off, Miss Julia must face the fact that her life has changed forever. Unable to confront the author of her anger, she begins to confront all the confining actions and behaviors that she had dealt with all her life.

I found the book hard to put down even if I did find it hard to believe that Miss Julia would be quite so dependent and silly. Still she cares and learns to love herself and her husband's second family after much trial and tribulation.

Highly recommended.

1 comment:

Kay~ said...

All of the Miss Julia books are hillarious!!!!