Friday, May 21, 2010

What's Up...

I hope everyone has been having a wonderful mid-May. The weather is spectacular here, if hot, but sunny most of the time with afternoon popcorn thunderstorms. We've even had fog this week.

I've been busy with work and not doing a whole lot else lately. I'm thoroughly enjoying my job. Lots to learn and figure out but it's all good. I've even found that the drive isn't as bad as I anticipated. Having done it before (and hated it) I'm not quite sure why it doesn't seem odious to me now, but I'll take it while I can. In June and July we are going to a 4 day work week which means the work day will be longer, and I'll have to leave my house at 6:45...still trying to figure that out...but I will have Fridays off, and a couple of 4 day weekends, so I don't suppose it will be all bad. Looking forward to the fall when the students come in and we start working with them directly. I think it'll put meaning to all the work we are doing now setting up policies and putting together space. In the meantime, there is lots of training the plan and conduct.

I also have a wonderful, big office with sunny windows and lots of light. It makes the day go by so quickly and I don't get tired, which is very nice. I do miss my Lochi kitty as she and I had become quite good buddies, but she seems to be adapting ok to me not being home all day. I honestly don't think that Oliver has noticed.

On the home-front, we are getting new flooring in our kitchen and dining room next week. It is being delivered to the house today so that it can adapt to the temperature and humidity of the house. I can't wait for it to be "in" so that all looks polished and nice. I'm really excited about that.

And other than that, there really isn't much to report. I'm hoping to have some time this weekend for weaving. I still need to make the quilt bee quilt. I certainly hope we have something to work on: I'm beginning to seriously worry about that! (yikes!) And I've been dying to sit and read my book which is really really quite good.

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