Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Book Review: Desperate Duchesses by Eloisa James

I parse out James slowly because one day I'll be out of her books and then I'll be so sad...I absolutely love her books and Desperate Duchesses was not disappointing.

Desperate Duchesses sets up the series of 6 books that is known as the Desperate Duchesses series. In this story we get to know Jemma and her duke, Elijah Beaumont. While they are the main titular characters of the story, Roberta and Jemma's brother Damon are the main love interests. (I think Jemma and Elijah's story is simply too complicated to deal with in this book.)

Roberta's father, the Mad Marquis, embarrasses her with his overly expressive emotions and flamboyant mistresses. Roberta desires to marry the Duke of Villiers after seeing him at a party and realizing that he will not ever display any excessive emotions. Roberta finally goes to London in search of marrying Villiers and shows up at her far-distant cousin, Jemma's, house and from there partakes in a game of love and learning that leaves her heart captured quite by surprise.

James is a wonderful writer, and her characters are lively and ever-so-much-fun. I always miss them when I'm finished and have a very hard time not going back and picking up the next one to read...patience is a virtue, even with romance novels :)

Highly recommended.

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