Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Book Review: Devil of the Highlands by Lynsay Sands

Devil of the Highlands is a fun romance that pits Evelinde against the "devil of dunairrach" (misspelled I know but I don't have the book with me), Cullen Duncan. Their marriage has been arranged by her evil stepmother in the hopes of making Evelinde's life miserable, but the opposite is quite true, as the nickname "devil" doesn't really aplly to Cullen since he's really quite considerate and sweet, just doesn't talk much.

The conflict involves several "accidents" that are happening to Evelinde that if successful would have ended in her death. The latter half of the book does a great job of developing the mystery and revealing the attempted murderer without feeling trite or rushed.

I thoroughly enjoyed the book. I found Evelinde's character to be rather charming and funny and enjoyed her growth through the novel. Looking forward to reading another novel by Sands (though I won't read her vampire stuff...I just don't get into vampires).

Highly recommended for romance readers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I tried to get this book at our library but they didn't have it. Will look around on Amazon and see about getting it. sounds like something I would enjoy.
