Friday, December 15, 2006

16 things I love about being married to David

1. He supports and encourages me in any crazy idea I come up with.
2. He loves my art.
3. He reads books I like just so we can talk about them.
4. He drives me to work most days.
5. He leaves me notes in my lunch or on the computer where he knows I'll find them.
6. He sends me flowers.
7. He plays with my hair and give me goosebumps...
8. He is all about 100% cooperation with the kids.
9. He cooks.
10. He can't sing to save his life, but he sings anyway.
11. Everything he does, he does with verve.
12. He drives everywhere we go.
13. He listens to my music and even learns to like some of it.
14. He encourages me when I'm struggling.
15. He plays games with me and sometimes lets me win.
16. He loves me unconditionally.

Happy Anniversary David!


Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary, you two!
Auntie J.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary belatedly. How many years? I could count up - let's see, 1990 - right - so must be 16. Yes, David is a dream. But...I'm sure you are to him!