Monday, December 04, 2006

Where is the line?

I have a really great job. I get to do something I'm pretty good at (write grants) while working with really smart people as they do something they're really good at (research projects). I get paid well for this region, my boss is very nice and not even sort of a micro-manager...even so, I'm getting to the point where I'm about to say "this is enough."

When I started the job, I agreed to publish the college's newsletter. I collected ideas, wrote most of the stories, took pictures, talked with people and put together a fairly decent newsletter. I was expecting to continue to put this together until I got too busy to do so...what happened instead is that I got volunteered to put together articles for any other publication the university does and wants to spotlight our college or departments herein. I've also been volunteered to assist all the departments (there are 13 of them) in redesigning their brochures. When it became evident that I didn't have the least bit of sense about actually using any designing software, the departments went elsewhere. (and yes, I'm still coordinating the newsletter)

Then two years ago, my dean decided to put on an invention competition. Again, I was asked to coordinate. Was in fact, told that if I needed a student worker, that I could have one (never did come to fruition, my suspicion is that the finance person stopped it from going through the channels).

So, the first day of the week after the month where I spent my time writing, revising, and helping finalize 15 grants (not lying here), where I worked two weekends in a row and came back from Thanksgiving to an office in such a mess that I couldn't find most of the new things I need to start working on, I get a new directive from my dean: I will be assisting the finance person for the college by taking over the research grant accounts, etc., that she handles. We bring in over $40 million dollars, probably submit upwards of 1000 grants per year. I have no idea how I'm supposed to do this, the other three "non-job" related activities, PLUS my job.

The line may be here and I may be looking at it right in front of my toes...and I may be ready to cross it.

Sort of feels like I imagine it would before you take that step off of the bungee jumping platform. I say I would never ever in my whole entire life ever bungee jump...but crossing this line feels like something I would do. I'm just going to get over being mad before I do it!


Anonymous said...

You made one big mistake.... You did everything well and it looked easy so they figured you could do more. I know he is complimenting you but there are just so many straws before the back breaks. You might need to sit and talk with him and tell him you make it look easy because you work so hard and you have reached your limit. Mom

Anonymous said...

Your job sounds complicated to me. I hope you get it worked out.