Friday, December 07, 2007


My dreams have been kind of crazy lately. I've been dreaming of my typical dreams--new parts of my house that I didn't know about or use, climbing hills/stairs, being angry or frustrated with the kids. I've even been dreaming of weaving again, which is nice because I worried when I stopped that my infatuation with weaving was just that and after I went and spent a lot of money on a loom and accessories to set up my studio, an infatuation just wouldn't satisfy!

But, I've also been having weird dreams where I'm dreaming that I'm dreaming and talking in my sleep. Imagine this. I'm dreaming that I'm working on a puzzle and I figure it out, I say enthusiastically "Score!" and I wake up thinking that I've just said it outloud. I've had other dreams where I've been talking to David or going places and waking up thinking that I was really doing the talking and not just dreaming the talking. David has assured me that I haven't awakened him with my talking, but that doesn't mean I'm not talking in my sleep (or is it my dreams?) I've even had dreams that I'm talking in my sleep and realizing that I'm doing it and then I'm really embarrassed or worried about what I've said.

It's weird and keeps's almost as annoying as my losing my teeth dreams--and don't worry, I'm still having those too!

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