Thursday, January 24, 2008

Civic Duty

I'm back today from my monthly civic duty. While it isn't fun, it isn't all bad. I stayed in a nice hotel with a fabulous bath and spent about 5 hours each yesterday and the day before relaxing and reading. It was QUIET and really really nice to be alone for a while without the daily responsibilities. There's also a great restaurant with yummy food. So, I think it's a decent trade-off.

Tomorrow, I'll have a picture of my newest scarf--finished right before I left on Tuesday...and probably a book review.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey there,
Everything you create is beautiful! I, too, love the dishtowels. How different is it to make them? The blue and white formal cloth is my favorite.Let me know how the coasters turn out. I LOVE my's supposed to snow Sunday. Yikes!