Thursday, February 07, 2008

General Info

The coasters are working great so far. David "loves them"...which he doesn't say about many things.

My ears and allergies are improving. I had a little set-back by getting a sore in my right nostril, but it's almost healed, so I can start back up on the nosespray. Overall, though, I'm noticing a huge improvement in my allergy symptoms and was even told a couple of times that I don't sound like myself anymore.

I'm still totally obsessed with weaving. It consumes my waking hours thinking of new projects and consumes my sleeping hours thinking of new projects and consumes my working hours by seeing a few of those designs coming to fruition. It's really been fun so far. I can't imagine it will stop.

I'm not doing well working on my dissertation proposal. Just don't have the focus right now. Hoping to next week.

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