Saturday, June 07, 2008

Down Time Activities on Tour

While there wasn't a lot of down-time, when there was some, and I read. I didn't take any needlework on this trip, probably for good cause as I don't think I would have worked on it at all.

At any rate, when I did have some down time, plane time, or train time, I read and then left my books as I went along. I finished: Kiss Me Annabel, Taming of the Duke and Pleasure for Pleasure (all by Eloisa James) and The York Princess by Anne Easter Smith. I started Potent Pleasures by Eloisa James, but haven't made it very far yet. All of the books were great. Especially the James books. She is a great writer and so much fun to read.

I also wrote post-cards to family and friends. The girls will have one from every day of the trip except for one. I wrote in my trip journal and David labeled his pictures (something I did not do and hope I remember everything I saw!)

Outside of that, we slept in our rooms and visited and more details beginning tomorrow.

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