Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Doctor Graddus by Debussy

This song by Debussy is part of the Children's Corner suite. It is an imagining of his daughter practicing her excercises on the piano and then drifting off to dream-land. She repeatedly brings herself back to the themed exercises (the theme from the beginning), though. However, she ends in a mad-dash of arpeggios, showing dissonance, and bangs out the last few measures of the song. You can imagine her running off to play with her friends after the last "bong" at the end.

It is quite a difficult piece to learn, and I still don't have it "perfected" but this is as good as I've played it to date. I love the piece and will continue to work on it as I'm quite proud of having learned it...I do believe it's the most difficult piece I've ever played.

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