Monday, October 05, 2009

WW Update

10 weeks into the program and we are doing very well. I lost 1.5 pounds this week for a total of 14.5 and David lost 2.5 for a total of 14. We are rocking along! yea us!

My thoughts so far. It's been a very positive experience so far. I'm not exercising yet because I simply don't have the mental energy to figure that out along with eating right AND writing a dissertation, so exercise will wait. I'm still losing weight at a rate of over 1 pound per week, and that's very motivating. The points system allows for a great flexibility--I can eat what I want, for the most part, and just keep track of it. I usually have one indulgence per week. Tracking what I eat has also been very helpful. I usually plan my day's food out the night before and that way I know what I'm eating for snacks, lunch, breakfast AND dinner, and it's kept that "fear" of hunger at bay.

My goal was to lose 20 pounds by Thanksgiving--my first goal. I think I'm going to make it!

Oh, and what's even more motivating is that this week I've really been able to see and feel the weight loss. It's very exciting.

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