Tuesday, February 20, 2007

It took 16 years, almost!

When David and I first got married we made tacos at least weekly. It was one of our staple foods along with Double Dave's pepperoni rolls, beans-rice-cornbread, and sandwiches. Tacos were almost like real food because we had to do some preparation...AND they had meat and vegetables in them. You remember your poor days, don't you?

Well, I got pregnant not too long after David and I got married. Morning sickness didn't kick in until I was almost 3 months along, but when it did kick in, it kicked with a vengence. One night we sat down to our dinner of tacos, I took a bite, managed to get it down, and tried another. This wasn't all that unusual as most foods made me do that. However, after bite 6 or so, I ran to the bathroom, and unloaded all of that and most of everything else that I ate that day. I managed to suck on some Jolly Ranchers and get my stomach to calm down, but couldn't possibly eat more of those tacos.

The next time David was cooking, I smelled the tacos cooking, ran to the bathroom, and then had to sit outside until the smell went away.

The next time wasn't pretty at all. I had the reaction to the smell, but then felt miraculously better, ate dinner without a problem...and about an hour later while David was in the bathtub, threw up those tacos in such a disgusting way I thought I was going to die. As I was sitting on the floor in utter embarrassment and David is shocked in the bathtub wanting to do everything to make me feel better, I weakly requested that we not ever have tacos again.

I have tried on a couple of other occasions to eat tacos, but I've always felt nauseous and couldn't proceed. Last night, though, at the special request of my kids, I bit the bullet (so to speak) and really enjoyed it, It was flavorful, crunchy, spicy, and just about perfect. Meat and vegetables..And David said, "I would never have thought it would take 16 years, but here you are!"

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