Thursday, April 24, 2008

Book Review: The Sparks Fly Upward

I loved The Sparks Fly Upward by Diana Normand. It was well written, and very enjoyable to read. Hard to put down actually. That's saying something for me...the person who can stop in the middle of a sentence and come back two days later. I think this is the best of the three in the series so far (please tell me there will be a fourth!). In fact, I had to decide Tuesday night--read the book or have a bath?

In this installment and grown-up Phillipa is trying to determine her future. An old maid by any standard at 26, she is still the daughter of a very wealthy Makepeace and is therefore an interest--to everyone but the man she loves. She agrees to marry a good man because she wants children, but finds him stiffling her efforts at political reform. Phillipa meets with one shocking resistance after another and decides to do something drastic--go to France during the middle of the Terror to save the man she admires (a different person from the one she loves) from the guillotine.
Meanwhile Makepeace is grieving the death of her husband Andra and ends up falling in love with an actor who also has some mysterious political schemings of his own.
Norman's writing has improved with every book. This one moves along very quickly and sucks the reader in from the first page. I highly recommend starting with A Catch of Consequences and reading all three of these books.

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