Thursday, April 17, 2008

Point Twill Color and Weave Scarf

This scarf is from a pattern in a magazine. I saw it and was really excited to do it and then was a little daunted by the complexity of the threading, treadling and weaving (color changes) so I simplified it. Then I kicked myself and said, "What's the point of picking patterns from a magazine if you aren't going to learn from it?" So, I bit the bullet and wove this absolutely lovely scarf. It was slow weaving, and required lots of concentration and uniterupted time, but doesn't it just sparkle? I did learn from it--and won't be doing something quite so complex for a time. But I gained confidence that I CAN do something like this and the results will be as lovely as the magazine photo.


Anonymous said...

Gorgeous! I hope your blog readers click on the picture to get a close-up view. Great job!! BJ

Anonymous said...

It is beautiful. I wouldn't have known to click on to make it larger. You did a good job. Mom

Anonymous said...

Fantastic! I am SEW proud of you!
Auntie J.