Monday, July 17, 2006

Orange Beach Vacation

I'm just a little late in getting the Orange Beach vacation blog up here...sort of. I read 4 books while I was gone, and did my book reviews last week. I also worked on a cross stitch that isn't quite completed yet. I'll have pics of that when it is. But a highlight of the vacation in pictures:

David serving juice for breakfast. Who could be unhappy waking up to that sweet face?

David and the girls went Parasailing. Here is David taking a picture of himself:

The girls on the boat on the way out there...

This is how high they got...

The girls really liked doing handstands at the beach and in the are somebody's legs.

Alyssa, Emelie and Elizabeth on the balcony...they are all too pretty. Think the boys know about it yet?

Our very healthy sampling of fruits and vegies. YUMMY!

We did get to pet the baby tigers. Here they are playing in the pool while their caretaker breaks down the box that was scaring them to death.

Leslie and David on the balcony.

And all of us at dinner our last night out. What's funny is that David and I used to have that very same print hanging in our living room!

I wish I could go back on vacation right now, but somebody's got to earn the bucks to that we can vacation from time to time...

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