Monday, September 25, 2006

They Amaze Me...

The "they" here of course being my teenagers. Last Wed. night at bookclub one of the women in our group was talking about her daughter (15) who has Cystic Fibrosis and mentioned that she had had to go on homebound because going to school all day was simply too tiring. When asked what we could do to help, she said, "if any of you know any teen girls who could be her friends, that would be so nice because she doesn't have any outside contact these days." To which I replied, "well, I have two, let me see if they'll be interested."

So, over dinner Thursday night, I brought up the situation, explained to them that the girl is very ill (she's in the final stages of getting her "make a wish" planned) and would they like to go over to her house and keep her company a couple of days a week and be her friend. They so willingly and heartfully jumped on the opportunity that my own heart filled up with pride about how genuine and caring they have grown to be. I even threw in the "she may not live through the year and if she dies and you've become her friend it will break your heart." To which THEY replied, "If I can help make her happy, I'll take the risk."

They've been talking about this non-stop ever since to everyone they meet. They simply cannot wait to meet their new friend. It looks like they'll finally have the opportunity this weekend.


Anonymous said...

Wow! That brought tears to my eyes. I am so proud of them. They will gain so much from the experience. Keep us informed. BJ

Anonymous said...

Tell the girls Auntie J. is very proud of them too! I had a friend in business college who had a baby with CF. Unfortunately, he died at age 21. As a result, I have been a dedicated supporter of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation for many years. The impact of this new friendship will be a life changing experience for the girls.
Auntie J.