Friday, September 29, 2006

Our Kitty

Oliver has had to go to the vet today for possible surgery. He has a bump on his back near his tail that is really painful if we touch it. Because it is painful, he hasn't been cleaning that area and it's pretty gross looking. And because they will possibly need to put him under to perform the surgery, we had to put up his food last night at 8pm. He was a very unhappy kitty this morning.

In fact, he and Lochi thought we were very stupid humans this morning since we were CLEARLY not seeing that the food was gone and that they were very distressed about it. Both of their pupils were very large, and they were sitting on the mat we put their food on top of meowing like they were going to die. It was actually pretty funny.

So, hopefully the painful bump on Oliver's back will simply be a cyst and not something more serious. He's been very playful and cute and not acting at all like he's unwell, so we're keeping our fingers crossed!


Update: Oliver is doing fine. Out of surgery and the growth has been removed. They will send it for biopsy just in case it's cancer, but the vet doesn't think it is. He's been groomed and should be pretty and soft for the evening!

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