Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Do you ever wonder?

Do/did you ever wonder WHO raised your kids? I find myself saying "tell me who raised you" more and more these days. I can rationalize that their behavior is teenage rebellion, but I sit in bafflement almost on a daily basis by the fits that get thrown in my presence when someone doesn't get their way or if they're told no or if I uphold a rule.

Maybe what happened is that someone came and abducted one of my children and replaced her with someone who looks JUST like her but who was raised by someone else...that would help me feel better about all the time and effort and pain and anxiety I've put into to helping my kids become better people.


Anonymous said...

Try hugging and kissing on her when she acts ugly. Might even sing to her. Anything to change the tone of the debate. M

Anonymous said...

Time works wonders. This too, shall pass.
Auntie J.

Anonymous said...

Of course, I recognize the two Sweetums Girls (M and Auntie J) giving good advice. I have no advice, someone else raised my boys!