Thursday, August 10, 2006

Fondest Memories

Of my great-grandmother: Sitting in her lap and being snuggled in her warmth and love.

Of my Grandmother Morris: (this requires a little explanation). Grandma M was a rather imposing person to her granddaughters and daughters-in-law. Once at a barbecue hosted at Suzanne and her then husband J.W., David and I sat down with her and my then-Aunt Carla and a couple of other people. Carla went to dig into her food and her fork broke and her entire place of food catapulted into my grandmother's lap. We were all as silent as death for the 20 seconds it took grandma's shocked face to turn into howling laughter. Seeing her laughing her head off with baked beans dribbling down her knees made her so much less imposing and so much more real to me.

Of my Grandfather Morris: Going to Thanksgiving dinner at Danny's house and Danny's St. Bernard bounding out of the house to "catch" the turkey that Papa M was carrying into the house. No one got hurt, but it was a rather scary moment there for a minute--a great big slobbery St. Bernard panting over the turkey held high above Papa's head while Danny was desperately trying to pull the dog off before Papa got knocked down.

Of my Grandfather Thornton: I have such a vivid image of Papa T sitting with Elizabeth snuggled up next to him and they were communicating with his "white board."

Of my Grandmother Thornton: Being next to her doing anything--playing dominoes or cards, watching Wheel of Fortune-Price is Right-Guiding Light-One Life to Live-General Hospital, planting in the garden, going to "town", washing dishes, etc....

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