Friday, August 11, 2006

Oliver the Hunter

Oliver is a sweet orange kitty who LOVES to hunt lizards, bring them into the house, torture them in front of me and then kill them, eat them in front of me, and bring me the head. I know that the head is probably the most delectable part, but it really does gross me out. Cats can be so funny.

Last night, sweet Oliver caught a HUGE lizard and brought him in the house. David was able to catch it and take it outside before Oliver killed and ate it, but the last place Oliver saw the lizard was running into the basket that holds our dirty kitchen towels. He sat by that basket almost all night waiting...

Then once he realized that his catch was really gone, he went to the girls' room and started "catching" socks. He brings them through the house howling and yowling and letting everyone know that he's caught a sock. He brought about three socks into the kitchen last night.

All this reminded me of when we lived in Kentucky at our cute little 2 story house with a full basement. We were refinishing the floors and moved the girls to the basement so that we could work in that room without furniture and time pressures. It is important to know that they had broken their dresser and their bottom drawer did not have a front on it--and that same bottom drawer is where they stored all their socks. Mr. Oliver, sweet helpful kitty that he was, moved every single pair of socks up the stairs to the doorway to the basement. When I woke the next morning and saw him sleeping in his pile of socks, I thought it was probably the funniest thing I had ever seen. I could picture this cat being upset that we had clearly mispaced the kids to the basement and he was doing his part to help us get them back up where they belong.

Since that day Oliver has had a sock fetish, and when a lizard escapes him, he has to go catch him some fresh socks!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That cat story is hilarious. I'm not fond of cats, but I agree they can be funny to watch. This cat sounds adorable.