Thursday, August 31, 2006

There are always two

In my house there are always two of everything. I remember when I was pregnant Auntie J sent me a card that had a poem about twins and it said something to the effect that you'll always have two/double of everything. So, when there is one quilt made, another one can't be far behind. While I don't stress about getting quilts finished in general, I do when I'm making them for the girls because they want to SEE them finished and NOW and whoever is first is impatient that it takes so long to get the second one made and whoever is second is impatient that they were put in last place.

E was in last place this time. This quilt is hearts that are fused to a sheet--originally it was a king-sized sheet. Each heart is hand satin stitched all the way around, which is why the quilt is not on a king-sized sheet today! I couldn't finish it. So I cut the hearts into blocks, added the sashing strips and border. It will easily fit a double bed. This is the very first quilt I ever started and actually finished. I told E that she has a very special quilt because there can be only one "first" quilt.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats on getting the "TWO" finished. Sweet quilt full of love.
Auntie J.