Thursday, January 25, 2007

Betty Asked...

And I will answer...

She asked in her comment to yesterday's blog: "Merle used to sing to you???"

And really, if you know my daddy, this IS a pretty funny thought. But yes, he used to sing to me every single morning. The following tune...

"get out of that bed and wash your face and hands, toodaloodaloodalooo!"

The verse could be repeated over and over again depending on how much of a response he was getting from me and almost always ended with a rapid flipping on and off of the light.

Daddy, as far as I know, sung under no other circumstance, except for two little ditties--one: "trailers for sale or rent" and another that you got something for a dollar...I can't remember the exact words. Anyway, one Christmas at his Sunday School party one particularly festive class member thought it would be really fun if we sang the 12 days of Christmas with groups drawing their day. My dad, me and Monica Allen's dad picked the "five golden rings." It was so horrible and sad and embarrassing, and I wanted them to stop so badly but no one else seemed to realize that my dad and Monica's dad couldn't find the tune if you gave them a map, tied a rope around their neck and drug them to it.

So, yes, imagine THIS person singing to you a song he made up with the added light show to boot--when you're NOT a morning person :)


Anonymous said...

You are right. He isn't a carrier of tunes but he does like to tease and will go a long ways to get a rise out of someone, even if he has to sing. I think he quit going to SS parties after that in fear that he would have to sing again. Poor soul..... Mom

Anonymous said...

I think that's a great story. (I can't carry a tune either, so I understand.) I think it's fun when someone who can't sing draws that line. It's happened at parties I've attended and if the person is a good sport, it is truly fun for everyone. But...hope I never draw that line!