Thursday, January 18, 2007

A Whirlwind Ensues

I hope all my family in Texas is doing ok with all the crazy weather out there. I don't miss ice storms that's for sure. I remember getting out of New Orleans from our honeymoon and driving through miserable rain all the way home and then waking up the next morning with ice on our windows. I couldn't make it to Christmas at my Aunt Betty's house because we couldn't drive anywhere. I don't miss the winter weather from Kentucky and am happy to be in South Mississippi where people get in a frenzy when the temps drop below 35 (of course these's the pesky hurricanes, but luckily we don't get those very often!).

Speaking of frenzies, I've been in one myself getting my office set up and unpacking everything while still trying to make progress on all these projects I have going. I hope to have some pictures of my new desk when I get everything set up. I've bought an ergonomic keyboard and am basically having to relearn to type which is frustrating considering that I'm a pretty good typist. I'm predicting that things will calm down next week sometime!

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