Wednesday, January 24, 2007

A Morning Person I am Not

I have never been a morning person. I hate waking up. I love being warm in the covers with my kitty next to me purring. The whole thought of having to dress for a day of dealing with people, is overwhelming first thing in the morning.

This was so even when I was a child. I remember my mothering having to come wake me up over and over again. When I was really little--first or second grade--I would fall asleep sitting up in front of my dresser. Moving, much less dressing, was no fun.

My dad would always sing to me in the morning. I guess this was his way of overcoming my grumpiness, which was really bad. I hated getting up, I hated the whole process of having to put on makeup and fix my hair, though I would do it anyway--to the extreme so it appears from my pictures.

As an adult I still hate getting up in the mornings. I would rather take hours to get ready to deal with people, eat my breakfast, check my e-mail, catch up on the news, but I'm definitely NOT going to take those hours away from my sleep! Even now I wake up at 7am on weekdays and sleep until 10 or so on weekends.

But never have I done something really stupid in the mornings until today. I was putting lotion on my face--the closest approximation to makeup I wear these days--and had just taken my hair out of its bun that I sleep in when I remembered that my eyes were really sticky and puffy so I grabbed what I thought were my allergy eye drops only to question why it was so slow dripping from the stopper and then when it touched my eye I started screaming because I burned so badly! Normally the eye drops sting a bit but they don't feel like I've got a searing burn on my eye ball--and that's when I realized I had picked up the bottle of acne medication--salicylic acid to be exact. In the panic of "oh my god what do I do it burns so bad I'm going to die" I remembered that you're supposed to rinse your eyes really well when you get something in them, so I splashed and splashed my eyes for a good 5 minutes. I'm happy to report that besides it being a little red and sore, my eye is doing well.

Mornings and me: like oil and water!


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you are OK! That is frightening. I once brushed my teeth w/first aid ointment! Yuk. And my Betsy's boyfriend handed her the bottle of eyedrops to put in her eyes - only it was super glue. In the emergency room, they had to cut his eyelashes off!

Merle sang to you??????

Anonymous said...

Super glue?????? how awful. Can you imagine? I know they dissolve it with finger nail polish remover but surely they can't do that in the eye. Everyone take care of your eyes.... Linda/Mom