Monday, January 22, 2007

Lochi, the Quilting Kitty

A few years ago for Christmas, David bought me a book titled Cats who Quilt by Judy Heim and Irina Borisova I highly recommend this book for any quilter who loves cats. It's so funny, even if you don't have a cat who quilts...but if you DO have a cat who quilts it's simply hilarious.

Just a few days after I brought Lochi home from, this is where she could be found:

She loved it when I was cutting fabric and would throw away the strips into the trash can under my table. At one point, she was carrying the strips of fabric from my trash can to this basket so that everything could be in the right place. She still naps in this basket if I'm sewing.

Just a little later, Lochi is still demonstrating her love of quilts in this picture. Here I titled her the Princess of Quilts for obvious reasons.

In this picture it isn't obvious if she found the pea or not, but it wasn't for lack of trying.

Then today after sitting on the back of one of my chairs, she gleefully realized that the quilt hoop was just an easy step away and she has now ensconsed herself in the hammock that is a Katrina remembrance quilt (just something simple for me). Nevertheless, I was reminded why I put up the quilting frame...definitely a kitty with a passion for quilting!

And why I named a quilt after her (I'm taking this top this week to the quilter; I completed it a couple of years ago).


Anonymous said...

Carolyn is here visiting me. She said she never opens your blog. I showed her the kitty's pictures and she said "awwwww" and "awwww" and "awww" and "awwwwww" and "awww". She also said "oooooh" at the quilt.

Anonymous said...

Carolyn is going to have to visit your blog now as you have lots of pix of your kitties. Mom