Tuesday, March 20, 2007

I went out for a simple walk...

Yesterday I decided to go for my walk while the maids were here cleaning the house. I always hate being in their way, so a walk, which I need to do anyway, was the perfect answer. They usually take about an hour, so I decided to be back in 45 minutes. While I had driven by and through the park a few blocks from my house, I had never walked on the fitness trail, so I decided to go there and try that out. Frustratingly enough there was not one sidewalk between my house and the park and then the trail was a huge disappointment. I still needed to kill 20 minutes, so I decided to walk down to the street that is 1/2 mile from my house, walk the 3 blocks to my street and then walk down my street. The sidewalks weren't all that plentiful on this path either, which was rather frustrating, but I managed getting into a ditch or a driveway when a vehicle would pass.

I turned down 21st Avenue, the street where the house I'll buy one day is on, and only one block from my house...actually since I left the back door open when I left it was only a matter of going through the alley near my house to get to my back door...not really a whole block. But, as I went past the Press's house, I noticed there wasn't a car in my driveway which meant that the maids were already finished...and likely had locked the house on their way out. I had a half a second of panic, but tried to remain calm, went to the door, and indeed it was locked. I didn't take my key, not expecting to be gone long enough to matter.

I didn't have any idea what time it was or any way to call David who had a meeting at 11 to see if it was worth walking up to his office. But after 15 minutes of trying to entertain myself by going through the mail (nothing but bills) and listening to music on my iPod, I decided it was worth trying to catch David...if nothing else, I would at least be DOING something. Besides, I had to pee and there was nothing but restaurants between here and campus and I was fairly certain that a sweaty person in exercise clothing wouldn't be welcome to use their bathroom without at least purchasing a coke. And since I had no money...So, up to campus I went, and I managed to catch David who was finishing up his work for the morning and was about to leave early to come home and surprise me since his meeting was cancelled.

We walked home, he let me in the house, and I learned a very important lesson...never leave home without your key or your cell phone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is a very funny story. I enjoyed it. You can laugh about it now, but I know it wasn't too funny at the time.