Wednesday, October 25, 2006


So tired today. Did not sleep well last night at all. Please keep those ideas coming for future blogs you'd like to read...for today it will be an explanation of why I'm so tired. Which I know will be funny at some point. (probably about the same time I care that that was a sentence fragment!)

It started about 11:30 when I was falling asleep and heard a car alarm. It eventually went off, so I tried to ignore it and go back to sleep but I had that uneasy feeling you get sometimes, so I went to check things around the house--looking out the front door I saw that our house was wrapped/rolled/tp'd (whatever you call it, it's apparently a Hattiesburg HS homecoming tradition) last night. That annoyed me to no end. I woke David, showed him, and then we both went back to bed where I stewed for a good long time.

Finally went to sleep, woke at 3:30 with the feeling that A snuck on the computer yesterday afternoon (and she would have had to figure out our password in order to do that) so I let my imagination go crazy and had them both leaving the play last night and going around town and wrapping other people's houses and basically being stupid. So, by 5 when I realized I wasn't going to get to sleep unless I had a plan, I got up, checked the computer and saw that A had indeed been on the computer Monday--both her internet history and file properties showed it--and I was PISSED. Then I get back in bed, feeling righteous that I caught her, planned out the conversation we'd have this afternoon and actually started to relax when I realized that today is Wednesday, and Monday would have been two days ago, not yesterday, so she didn't get on the computer illegally, and then I was awake again and kicking myself for being such an ass in my head...

I know I drifted off again somewhere in there because I woke up when David came to tell me it was 7. So, now I'm exhausted after having only about 3 hours of sleep.

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