Thursday, June 01, 2006

Hurricane Season Begins

Today marks the first day of hurricane season 2006. I was directly affected by four storms last year--Arlene left rain, but nothing amazing, Cindy rained out 2 days of my New Orleans vacation, Dennis caused me to miss my first quilt bee ever, and Katrina...well, Katrina just messed up all of our lives down here on the Mississippi-Louisiana Gulf Coasts.

I have to admit that I'm a little nervous about things this year. We have decided that if a storm looks half of Katrina we're evacuating. Who cares where as long as it's north of here. We're taking the cats and already have valium for them. I think I need some valium for the evacuation car ride, too.

We have lots of water, but have decided to stock up on food closer to a real storm hitting--we're trying to eat healthy and I don't think a bunch of bananas would be edible after sitting in my garage for several months. We probably should get some gas in our portable tanks, becuase even if we stay we'll probably need it.

After Katrina, I still haven't been to New Orleans, and I can barely make myself go to the MS gulf coast and see the utter destruction there. I can't begin to imagine how people are going to manage this year...

Sorry for the downer post, but this day doesn't mark a holiday...

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