Monday, June 19, 2006

Sugar Free Week 4

Well, almost...and I'm hedging only on the concept of full disclosure. I DID have one cinnamon roll at brunch yesterday...but it wasn't very sweet at all and didn't leave me with a huge hunger for more, though brunch over all was not as filling or satisfying as I'd hoped.

So, despite the little bump yesterday (and I'm hardly paying attention to it), still doing great. I even passed up a very delicious looking cake at a co-worker's "moving-on" party. And this was with another co-worker who is about 5 inches taller than me eating her cake practically at nose level. That was the only moment I wanted some, but then I said to myself "not worth it."'

So, as I look forward to the upcoming weeks and potential temptations, I have already decided no sweets in our condo at the beach. Elizabeth almost has a heart-attack every time I mention it. I tell her that if she is going to have sweets they will have to be eaten elsewhere. She wants to hide them, and I'm staying firm. I worry that she's as bad off as I am. Then there's the quilt bee where sweets do appear, but they aren't terribly prolific. I know my dear aunties will support me, though, and not tempt me too much :)

So, I actually feel like I can keep this avoidance of sweets up until at least my birthday, when I'll have to decide if I can risk a slice of cake or not. I'm going with no because I think that slipped into a sweet eating frenzy that lasted until, well, 4 weeks ago!

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